Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's Not Just Words But Power

God's word is not just words, but power. The same power that formed the earth is in The Bible. But when you refuse to put it on your lips all that power goes to waste. God said his word would not return to him void, but it shall accomplish what he pleases (Isaiah 55:11). Well, for it to accomplish what God pleases it has to have power. But notice it shall accomplish when it is returned to him. How is it returned to him? When you speak it you are returning his word to him. So every day you don't put the word of God on your lips you fail to put the power of God to work for you.

The same power that created the universe is capable of making your life just what God called for. But without the word on your lips it will not accomplish for you. The word of God is capable of creating a life of health, joy, and peace. God gave you his word which is his power and a free will. You take his power and create what you want in your life. If you are sick create healing in your body. The scripture "By whose stripes ye were healed" has enough power in it to heal any sickness. If you're lacking finances take the word and create prosperity. If you want success you create it in your life. Isn't that what God told Joshua "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success." Notice, the success he was to have was dependent on the word coming out of his mouth. Don't treat the word of God like it's just words, but power. Imagine how much better your life would be if you did what God said, keep his word in your mouth.

Speak the word and let it create for you. Let the word do it's job. It's capable of bringing into your life exactly what God has already called for. But it has to be on your lips to do it. Sometimes we see things in the natural, but not the spiritual. For instance, when you go into a dark room the first thing you do is flip the light switch. Failure to do so can cause you to stumble in darkness even with all the power needed to walk in light is right there. So likewise, failure to put the word on your lips can cause you to walk in sickness, poverty, and all other things God never intended for you to have even though you may know the word of God. But, failure to put the word on your lips keeps the power from working for you. The word of God is not just words, but power.

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