Saturday, March 28, 2009


Matthew 14:25-31: When are you going to get out of the boat.
The boat represents the natural way of doing things-that's the natural way to travel across water.

Jesus was operating in the supernatural. Peter asked Jesus to bid him to come on the water. Notice Jesus didn't say no Peter because you would drown. No, Jesus told him to come and he did walk on the water. Notice one word from Jesus was all it took for Peter to go from operating in the natural to operating in the supernatural.

His word was all it took then and it's all it takes now. He's just waiting for someone to believe it and act on it. Notice Jesus said "He that believe on me the works that I do shall he do also" John 14:12. Just like Peter walked on the water like Jesus by his word you can cast out devils by his word, you can lay hands on the sick and have them recover by his word. You can do all the things He called for you to do.

But it's not by your ability it's through Jesus ability. It makes a difference when you do something based on your faith in the word. Look at Luke 5:4-7, Jesus told Peter to launch out into the deep and Peter told him I've toiled all night and caught nothing but nevertheless AT THY WORD....
What made the difference? He had Jesus words. And it's the word that does the work. Your part is to have faith in the word and act.

Remember: Philipians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ Jesus....

Monday, March 16, 2009

Stay Focused

2Corinthians 4:18-God says don't focus on what you can see, focus on what you can't see (in other words you should be focused on the word of God)

Every physical problem already has a spiritual answer in the Word of God. But you can't receive your answer while your focus is on the problem.

What you put your focus on that's what is more real to you.

That's why the Bible says to walk by faith and not by sight. Walking by faith don't mean you ignore what you see it just means you don't let what you see determine your faith in the truthfullness of God's word.

Read Luke 17:12-14. Jesus told them to go show yourselves to the priest.

Back in those days you only show yourself to the priest after you've been cleansed. So, Jesus was calling them healed. That was their answer. They had a problem they could see and the answer they could not see. Yet, they believed the words of Jesus over what they could see and feel. And the answer they could not see changed the problem they could see.

Now let's see what happens when you focus on the problem.

Read Matt.14:25-31-Notice as long as Peter stayed focused on Jesus he was able to walk on the water. But, as soon as he changed his focus he began to sink. When you are spiritually minded there is no limit to what you can do( I can do all things through Christ Jesus) but when you are physically minded you are always limited. What he saw was more real than what Jesus said.

The battle is in your mind. If the devil can get you to think that what you see is more real than what God said the battle is lost. So don't let the devil distract you. Remember no matter what anyone says what God says is true (Romans 3:3,4) . If no one else believes what you believe-let God be true and every man a liar.

Stay Focused!!!!