Tuesday, May 31, 2016

10 Points Of Healing

This article is to those that might be going through a physical affliction and wondering if it is God's will for you to be healed.  I just want to encourage you that it is God's will that you receive your healing.  Let me make these points to help convince you of that because I want you convinced so that nobody can talk you out of it.  First, In Matthew 15:26 Jesus said healing is the children's bread.  What is bread, it is your right.  Every child has a right to be fed.  In fact, it a father's obligation to feed his children.  And Jesus said it(healing) is the children's bread.  Second, God the Father is the most loving father and in Luke 11:11-13 the point Jesus is making is that if you being evil know how to do good for your children how much more God.  James 1:17 says, every good gift comes from God.  And Act 10:38 says, God anointed Jesus with the Holy Ghost and power and with the Holy Ghost and power Jesus went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil.  So, healing is a good gift from God.  I want to make this point because there are those that say these bodies are just dust and they don't matter to God.  But, yet we see God anointing Jesus to heal these dust bodies and he did not turn anyone away.  Now, what natural parent if they had a child out playing and the child fell and was bleeding badly tell them, "Now baby don't worry about it your body is just dust."  NO, a good parent would pick that child up rush them in the house, nurse their wounds, put a bandage on them, dry there tears, and do everything in their ability to make it better.  Well, how much more God.  Third, Hebrews 1:3 says, Jesus is the express image of God and Jesus said he only did what he saw the Father do so everytime Jesus healed it was the Father's will and not one time did he turn anyone away.  Not one time did he say, "God is using this to teach you something."  Not one time did he say, "I'm sorry, but it's not God's will.  You know all those religious ideas people come up with.    Not one time did he say no and God does not change Malachi 3:6.

Fourth, God anointed Jesus to heal.  Jesus told his disciples to heal.  Jesus told believers to heal.  So, healing must be one of God's top priorities.  Fifth, Jesus was lashed and cut open for your healing Isaiah 53:4,5.  He was beaten so badly he didn't even look like himself Isaiah 52:14.  Now, how can anyone say that healing is not important to God.  Sixth, God has an assignment for all of our lives and without these bodies we can't fulfill them. Seven, Some say that it's more important to be saved than healed.  And I agree totally, but God provided for both 1Peter 2:24.  If He provided it then He must wants us to have it.  Eighth, Jesus said many are sick and sleep(dead) because they don't discern the Lord's body, that it was broken for your healing 1Corinthians 11:24,29,30.  People recognize that what Jesus did brought salvation, but they don't realize that what he did brought healing so they don't receive it.  Ninth, Everything about Jesus speaks of healing.  The lamb in Exodus 12 is a picture of Jesus and notice as a result of eating the lamb everyone was healed Psalm 105:37 (make a note of that from point 8).  In Numbers 16 the atonement Aaron made for the people represents what Jesus did for you and I.  And in Numbers 21 that serpent on the pole represents Jesus on the cross taking our sins.  Notice, in every case it brought HEALING.  Tenth, In Acts 5 and 19 God used handkerchiefs and even a man's shadow to heal people.  Look at God.  So, do not let people minimize God's desire for you to receive your healing.  And do not let them trivialize what Jesus went through for you to be healed. So, if you are believing then keep believing.  God Bless!!!!

Your Healing Has Been Provided


 Have you heard someone say, "God heals some, but not others", actually that is not the truth.  Acts 10:34 says, "God is no respecter of persons."  Why do people say that because they are basing it off of their experience.  But, a persons experience doesn't change the truthfulness of God's word.  The truth is that when God heals he provides healing for everyone and doesn't pick and choose who gets healed.  Let's go through the scriptures and see what they say.  In Exodus 12 God institutes the Passover where the children of Israel were to take a lamb and kill it and put the blood on the two side door posts and the upper door post where they were to eat the lamb.  That was an instruction for the whole congregation and notice as a result of eating of the lamb Psalm 105:37 says, "He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among them."  God healed all of them, there was not one person that God did not heal.  On another occasion in Numbers 21 when the children of Israel were in the wilderness they were being bitten by serpents and dying, but God came up with an answer to the problem (notice God's wording).  God said, "Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole:  and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live."  And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.  Notice God said that it was for every one.

 Let's look at some more scriptures to further prove the point, Proverbs 4:20-22 says, "My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.  Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.  For they are life unto them that find them, and health to all their flesh."  That word health is translated from Hebrew as medicine, remedy, cure.  God says that his word is the remedy for all your flesh.  And it is for all that find them.  Let's look at one more scripture in Acts 10:38 it says, "How God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power:  who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him."  First notice that Jesus healed all and God calls healing doing good.

  Now, let me inform you of something that you might not know that a lot of people have a problem accepting, but I'm going to explain.  God has already provided all the healing you will ever need.  1Peter 2:24 says, "Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: BY WHOSE STRIPES YE WERE HEALED."  Notice, the scripture says that you were(past tense) healed.  Now, I know the first thing someone might say is if I am healed how come I still have this sickness.  Because, God is not saying that you are physically healed, but he has already done the healing.  You look at Luke 17:12-14 where 10 lepers cried out to Jesus for him to heal them and he said, "Go shew yourselves unto the priests."  And the scripture says that as they went they were cleansed.  Notice, all Jesus did was send them to show themselves to the priest, because in those days you only showed yourself to the priests after you were cleansed so Jesus was calling them clean.  That was all he did, so what Jesus did he did when he said, because that's how Jesus healed by his words.  Notice, even though Jesus did something there was no physical change, they still looked and felt the same.  So, your flesh is no indication of if God has done something.  Your flesh is only an indication of when you have received what God has done.  Notice, in verse 15 it says that when one of them saw that he was cleansed he turned back to praise God.  Notice, by faith he believed something was done when Jesus said, go....., but by his senses he saw when he had received.    

  You see the same principles in Mark chapter 3 where Jesus saw a man with a withered hand and said unto him,  "Stretch forth thine hand."  And he stretched it out and his hand was restored whole as the other.  Notice, again Jesus said, "stretch forth thine hand" he was calling the man healed because he couldn't stretch forth his hand so for him to comply with Jesus words he would have to be healed.  Notice, again Jesus words was Jesus doing the healing.  Again, notice even though Jesus did something there was no physical change because the scripture says, he stretched it out and it was restored whole as the other.  Otherwise, it would have said and his hand was restored whole as the other and he stretched it out.  So, the implication is that when Jesus told him to stretch forth his hand, he knowing that he couldn't stretch forth his hand put forth an effort to do it and his hand was then made whole.  Now, in both of those instances what if they would have waited to see or feel something they would have never received.

Now, here is a point you have to understand in looking at the instances above, God has already released your healing.  It is not a matter of God needing to heal you. God sees healing as an accomplished act and he tells you.  In 1Peter 2:24 it says, "By whose stripes ye were healed."  That is not a promise of something in the future, that is stating an accomplished act.  Now, I know the first thing that may come to a person is if God has done the healing why do I still have this condition.  Let me give you an example:  Let's say a person is hungry so he goes to a restaurant.  The waitress comes and takes his order and gives it to the chef.  He cooks the food and gives it to the waitress and she brings it to him.  Notice, once she brings the food or provides him with his order he is considered having been served.  Once the provision is made you are considered having been served.  Now, the food is right there in front of him, but question, is he still hungry.  Just the food being in front of him does not take away his hunger, he has to receive it or eat it.  Likewise, the healing God has provided does not take away your sickness until you receive it.  Just like that food will not do you any good until you eat it or receive it.  Now, nobody goes to a restaurant and places their order and when the waitress brings them their order because they are still hungry because they have not yet received what has been provided they ask for another plate of food.  Now you have two plates of food again not having received any of it so because you are still hungry you ask for another plate of food.  Now at that rate you can have 10 plates of food in front of you and still be hungry.  Nobody would do that and yet that is the same as when a person continues to ask God to heal them.

You can not allow your flesh to tell you when or what God has already done for you.  Your flesh body has no clue of what God has done for you.  In 1Corinthians 2:14 it says, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God:  for they are foolishness unto him:  neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."  Notice it says your flesh can not know the things of God, so you can't count on your flesh to tell you what God has already done for you.  The only thing you can count on is the word of God.  Your flesh can't tell you what God has done for you only when you have received what God has done for you.  Coming up we'll look at this further and look at how you receive the healing God has already done.  God Bless!!!